BullSO Invitational 2025

January 25th, 2025 | Division B and C | In-person @ USF Tampa

Thank you all for the great first tournament, bringing 250+ students to USF Tampa! We look forward to hosting you again!

2025 Invitational Information:

Our invitational will be running up to 40 teams with all 23 events in both Division B and Division C. We will not be requiring volunteers or event supervisors from coaches, so feel free to focus solely on helping your team. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to email bulls.scioly@gmail.com.

New BullSO 25 Merch just dropped 🢡

Event Day Map [Tentative from 23'24 Tournament]

Event Modifications & Updates

For all day-of logistics, please see our logistics document here: TBD BullSO '24 Logistics

As of 10/24, we are planning on running all 23 Division B and C events as normal. They will be run by the in-person standard as described in the 2024-25 season Rule Book.

Tournament Day Schedule [24'25 Schedule TBD]

Updated as of 01/24/2024. The build self-schedule is linked here. Awards Ceremony end time is tentative.

Attending Teams & Homerooms

A list of attending teams and homerooms to come soon!