BullSO Invitational 2022
November 19th, 2022 | Satellite SO
Thank you all for a great tournament, reaching 900+ students across 13 states! Looking forward to an in-person tournament at USF next year!
Results and histograms available via Duosmium:
Awards Ceremony and Test Set Release:
If you attended, you can view your graded tests on Scilympiad.
2022 Invitational Information:
Our invitational will be running all 23 events in both divisions. We will not be requiring volunteers or event supervisors from coaches, so feel free to focus solely on helping your team. The registration fee is $80 per team. Please register using the link below!
Update: Our invitational will be open to 4 teams per school. If you have already registered, please email bulls.scioly@gmail.com with a fourth team name instead of resubmitting the form. Thank you!
Registration is currently closed. Please email us if you need to make any team changes!
Tournament Day Schedule
A PDF copy is available here. If you have any questions please email bulls.scioly@gmail.com
Attending Teams
A list of attending teams as of 11/06/2022 is available here. Registration is no longer open, but this list may continue to get updated as teams adjust.